VMI Summer Programs Return to In-Person Format

VMI’s many summer offerings are again happening in person, beginning with Summer Session I May 24.—Photo by Micalyn Miller, VMI Alumni Agencies.
VMI’s many summer offerings are again happening in person, beginning with Summer Session I May 24.—Photo by Micalyn Miller, VMI Alumni Agencies.
Some Keydets began attending summer classes in late May in the more relaxed atmosphere of the summer session. Summer instruction at VMI returned to an in-person format for summer 2021 after COVID-19 necessitated a move to online instruction for summer 2020.
Summer Session I began May 24 and runs through June 25. Summer Session II runs from June 28 through July 29. The Summer Transition Program for incoming cadets is from July 7-July 30. Various cadets are also conducting research under the auspices of faculty mentors and the VMI Center for Undergraduate Research.
Other summer events include the STARTALK Arabic language program, from June 22 through July 16, and a cyber program. STARTALK is a federal program that aims to teach critical languages. It was initiated after the events of Sept. 11, 2001. The course aims to have students demonstrate ACTFL novice proficiency in Arabic upon completion.
For the first time, VMI’s new Cyber Defense Library is hosting the CyberSmart workshop for high school students from June 7-11. The program is partially sponsored by the Department of Defense and offered at no cost to participants.
For more information about summer academic programs at VMI, go to vmi.edu. Summer sports camps are also back in action again. Visit to vmikeydets.com for more information.