September 30, 2023

Cadet – Alumni Career Networking Forum

wide shot of new barracks with flag poles on either side, and statue of Gen. George C. Marshall in the center.

Register Now Attendee ListPanelist BiosCadet Resume/Cover Letter Examples

You are invited to attend the Career Networking Forum Sept. 29–30, 2023, in Lexington. As in previous years, we will host a dinner for panelists, participants, and VMI faculty members Sept. 29, followed by the forum with cadets the morning of Sept. 30.

Except for 2020, the Career Networking Forum has been held annually since 2009 and brings together distinguished VMI alumni representing myriad career fields to help inform, educate, and mentor cadets. The event is intended for all 3rd, 2nd, and 1st Class cadets who are not commissioning active duty.

The following panels are scheduled to be available to cadets during the Saturday forum. Please let us know if you are interested in sharing your expertise in one of these areas.

  • Banking/Investments/Finance
  • Engineering/Construction
  • Government (civil service/contractor)
  • Health/Healthcare
  • IT and Cybersecurity

  • Law
  • Law Enforcement
  • Manufacturing
  • National Guard/Reserve
  • Sales/Marketing
  • Internships


Below is a draft agenda for the event. If you can participate in this year’s forum, please register here no later than Aug. 24. Unfortunately, due to technology constraints, there will not be an option to participate virtually.

Event Information:
Friday, Sept. 29, 2023 | 6 p.m.
Dinner and Alumni Networking | Moody Hall

Saturday, Sept. 30, 2023
Career Networking Forum Breakout Sessions | Cocke Hall
Saturday’s sessions will end by noon.

Hotel Block ends Sept. 1:

Best Western Plus Inn at Hunt Ridge | 540-464-1500
Rate: $159

Please note: Hotel accommodations are filling quickly due to other events also taking place in Lexington this weekend. We encourage those who plan to attend to make accommodation arrangements well in advance.

Contact Joel Andrus ’04 at

Registration ends Sept. 1.