Would you like to discuss opportunities for support across post and the VMI experience? Major Gift Officers work with individuals who are interested in supporting the mission of VMI but are not certain which initiatives would best align with their interests.
Andrew Deal '12 Chief Operating Officer, VMI Keydet Club; Chief Development Officer
The VMI Keydet Club chief operating officer provides oversight of programs and staff to ensure they meet the goals and objectives of the club’s strategic plan, supports the president of the VMI Keydet Club Board of Governors and is responsible for the formulation of the policies, goals, objectives, and procedures of the Keydet Club. The COO works closely with VMI leadership, VMI athletics, the CFO and across the VMI Alumni Agencies to develop and execute programs consistent with the missions of VMI and the Keydet Club. The COO reports to the VMI Alumni Agencies CEO.
Additionally, as the chief development officer, he is responsible for the comprehensive planning, implementation, management, and oversight of all fundraising.Brandon Bissell '98 Major Gift Officer
Brandon encourages the leading support of prospects concentrated in Florida and Virginia.
Greg Cavallaro '84 Senior Major Gift Officer
Greg encourages the leading support of prospects concentrated in Florida and Virginia.
Austin England Major Gift Officer
Austin encourages the leading support of prospects concentrated in Tennessee, Alabama, and Georgia.
Charles Plageman '90 Major Gift Officer
Charles encourages the leading support of prospects in Texas and North Carolina.
John Weeda '93 Major Gift Officer
John encourages the leading support of prospects concentrated in California, Oregon, Washington, Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, Idaho, Montana, Utah, and Wyoming.
Ramon Williams '90 Major Gift Officer
Ramon encourages the leading support of prospects concentrated in Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia.